sheila's world

i'm back in cyberspace

it's been a while. i'm in my room right now, listening to someone weedwhack their lawn outside (8 at night, who are they?) mejas is sleeping on the bed and alec is at work. i haven't been to work in four - whole - days. what??? i had a really lovely 4 day weekend! although it wasn't planned. monday was alec's birthday, tuesday i had off, and then wednesday i was called out of work which was totally ok for me. thursday i was the on call and no one called out. all summer i have worked 40+ hours every week and it's nice taking it easy for a week. tomorrow i might have a early night too. in august we get a third paycheck because there is 31 days in the month, and the third one has no insurance deducted because it was already deducted for the month during the second pay period. so it's like the perfect week to take it easy. anyway, talking about work is boring. this year is the rainiest summer on record, but i feel like we are always setting records now. we set the record for snowiest recorded winter last year. also, i read that all the snow crabs are dying in the arctic waters from the ocean warming up. i texted my sisters and said, 'one day all the king crab and sea lions will be extinct.' maureen responded, 'it will happen tomorrow.' christine replied, 'it happened yesterday.'

i want to start posting more photos here again.


in front of my house. the velvet started shedding off this moose's antlers. it's not painful for them i think.

101_0661 this is a baby moose at the zoo. i could never get this close to a baby moose outside, for fear of incurring the mother's wrath. no thanks.

101_0650 i saw a funny scene at the zoo.. a bunch of ravens outside a raven's enclosure. keeping it company?

i bought the 2024 pink motorola razor plus (my coworker said it best: why did you buy a new phone? you never even use a phone anyway my gm yesterday when i picked up the phone and said hello: oh, good. you answered.) ) and lo-and-behold! 10 days after we were driving to the state fair (40 minute drive). i had it up on the dash doing a time lapse and it fell suddenly. fell onto my nice, carpeted car mat but hit the only sharp object in vicinity - the sharp metal edge below the passenger seat where the seat goes forward and backward - hit it right on the external screen. it looks like the phone got stabbed by a knife. it's not so bad. the external screen has a black spot on the bottom where it got stabbed, and the screen flickers and has some lines down it but still functions as usual. i like the phone so much i was thinking of buying a new one (wow, are you reading the blog of a millionaire right now?) because the whole point of this particular phone is the external screen, but after reading reddit (how people on reddit love to complain!) i decided to wait and see how the phone fares because it only came out this year. some say the crease in the middle warps the phone after half a year or so, others say the external screen spiderwebs spontaneously.. and such. i'd be so surprised if my phone stays in the same condition throughout the rest of the year because i feel like pressure on the crack might inflict more trauma to the screen. so, if my phone stays in the same condition i'm going to take that as a win. but why buy a new phone if it is more prone to damage than others? and all in all, it still works, it's just not very aesthetically pleasing to the eye. it's just unfortunate. i think a phone like that needs to be handled with care. i wouldn't say all phones do though. some are more durable than others, but when your phone has an external screen, yes, it may be more susceptible to damage. but it's such a fun phone. also, yes, my hesitation with buying a complete new one might also lie in the fact that the camera isn't amazing. but overall i do like the camera. some complaints about it is that it makes things too realistic, there's no glossy ai finish or anything. it's definitely not on par with the flagship phones. i prefer taking photos with digital cameras anyway. speaking of digicams. the last one i had was an olympus 2004, but, wow. you'll never guess. i dropped it, i think twice. took damage to the screen (and guess what happened to my ipod classic? thankfully my ipod mini has a holster around it that takes much of the impact of a fall, preventing the hard drive from taking a beating.. at least that's the reasoning my delulu mind is concluding from it not being broken yet - a day ago i plugged it in and it didn't show any indication of charging, i was sure it was the end. if you don't want to have a scare like that, just keep your ipod charged on the regular). so guess who bought a new digicam - this girl. please don't tell anyone. a girl can have her hobbies. let me live my life. how else will i get scenic foliage pictures that look like they were taken 20 years ago and what's the fun in having technology that is actually compatible with my laptop? (did the olympus videos transfer well? absolutely not.)

also, speaking of my laptop. this gets me really heated.



if i had known i would have never!! please bring back the itunes running, cd playing, sd card reading, plug the cord into the port computers we love!


it's my fault for buying a tablet laptop. they seem so functional in theory but also, no. speaking of cameras, right now i use a $200 camera from walmart, has an amazing super zoom, it's perfect for my sensibilities. i've had it for a long time. (why is it only the expensive things that break? reddit would say it is user error. i can't disagree with that. if there is a way to break something in the most peculiar way i could do it. one time i drove over a rock - my neighbors put rocks around the edge of their yard because they live in a spot right where cars turn - and it took the side of my car off. thankfully subaru cars are put together with plastic bolts so we just popped that back in) i took those pictures in this post with it.

i'm really nostalgic. i mean.. nothing is the same anymore. when i was 11 i got lost in the woods and had to walk through a waist-deep marsh to the road and i called my mom on a beige slide phone (had nightmares for months and i officially, forever will think dying alone in the vast wilderness as the worst way to die. if you know, you know.) peak invention in my opinion. a few years ago i used an amazing pink slide phone that had a touch screen keypad on the front


i left it outside and a girl found it and didn't know how to use it??? i thought it was so funny. and then the phone companies yeeted 3g and ruined my life. (just joking. kind of).

one of my favorite tv shows is the manor house (21st century people live in a manor house as servants (worst position is scullery maid), lady and lord of the manor, etc) and my favorite genre is time travel. i follow historical costume youtubers. i don't get bored looking at 16th century handwritten letters that i can't read, i find it fascinating. i read anna karenina for fun in high school. i think that the fact that letter writing is a dying art is a tragedy and that people used it as a form of communication for hundreds of years, so far from what we do now, amazing. the fact that technology changed so much in just like, 35 years, at the speed it did. there's an awesome youtube video of a 108 year old woman, mrs. florence pannel, speaking in 1977 on television about her life, and the interviewer asked her, "what's the biggest change of all you've seen?" "everything! nothing is the same. everything is changed."


(i used to work at barnes and noble and one time i got a call asking to order cheesecakes from an older lady and she had the most amazing voice, she rolled her r's like florence did, although she had an american accent. i've never heard a voice - not really an accent, but tone inflection - like hers since. it was definitely not of this time.)

one of the comments says: she's recalling a 100 year old memory from her childhood. i can't remember last week.


florence pannell. born in 1868, the same year as Tsar Nicholas II. older than churchill by 6 years. france still had an emperor. 18 when the Statue of Liberty came up, 21 when the Eiffel Tower was built. 35 when the first airplane flew, 46 when WWI started, 59 when the first TV broadcast was made, 77 when WWII ended, 89 when Sputnik orbited the earth, 101 when humans landed on the Moon, 111 when the Shah of Iran was overthrown, and died in 1980, the same year as John Lennon. She was the oldest person in Europe at the time of her death. (i don't know if i could do it. if i were her, i would be so nolstagic. like, remember when sir arthur conan doyle sent sherlock over a swiss waterfall in 1893 and everyone freaked out about it so much he had to bring him back from the dead? 1893 was crazy.)

my general manager of the restaurant has a phd in psychology and she saw me using a nokia candy bar phone (before i found the amazing pink one - that still had messages from 2010 on it. my service isn't working, email me. things of that nature) and she was concerned. for me?

i'm fine. some people collect plushies (cough, alec's cousin, cough). some people love videogames (alec - he got mirio in ultra rumble yesterday. he was very happy.) some people try to live in the past (??) we all have something.

a month ago i got a conch piercing (my first cartilage piercing.) it's been healing well. i wanted to get a tragus piercing but i think i'll wait the 6 months - 1 year. if it's 3 months and the conch piercing no longer hurts when i lay on it i may consider it. my coworker did say hers healed in 3, but people say it takes longer than that sometimes. thinking about having two cartilage piercings healing at the same time doesn't sound fun. it's weird but i miss having the freedom to touch my ear. or itch it. it's so itchy. sometimes i regret getting it because i'm like, what's the point? it's inconvenient and a hassle. but then i look at it and i think to myself, well, at least it's pretty. but really pointless...

the other day my manager told alec that he saw rachel (my coworker) running in his neighborhood and stopped to chat with her - she told him she no longer works at mt. she had been at church and god had appeared before her and told her to quit her job. he didn't know what to say.

there's this amazing cereal called ghost. it has 17 grams of protein, 250 calories, 10 grams sugar - and they have a version with marshmallows. it tastes like lucky charms. what more could i ask for from society?